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Securing the involvement of the public in demanding a railway infrastructure that’s 1,300 kilometres long isn’t easy. The benefits are a long time coming, the information is very technical and many people see it as a project that doesn’t really affect their everyday lives.

We decided to use humour and irony to criticise the situation of the Mediterranean Corridor and “hook” the public. As we couldn’t change the content, we changed the format: we created the first stand-up show to demand an infrastructure.


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Humour and irony are an effective tool for dealing with social and political current affairs, as is seen in successful formats such as the El Jueves magazine and the El Intermedio television programme. 

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“A LAUGHING MATTER, The Mediterranean Corridor Show” premièred in some of the best venues in Valencia, Castellón, Cartagena, Barcelona and Granada. The show was led by Santi Millán, Jose Corbacho and Javi Sancho and featured a local stand-up in each city.

We recorded all the shows and turned them into content capsules, which we uploaded to esderisa.com and made dynamic on Youtube We launched a major television campaign to direct people to the project website, and Santi, Jose and Javi visited the studios to talk about the show and the infrastructure.


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And, more importantly, more than 54% of Spanish society now knows the Mediterranean Corridor, although they still don’t know who Javi Sancho is.


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